Sermons from June 2024

“Hope on a Weathered Bench”

Lamentations 3:22-33             {Prayer}             For a moment, imagine a tranquil scene that easily be turned into a puzzle. The scene contains a still lake. The surface of the lake is like a mirror that is reflecting the fiery oranges and pinks of the beginning of a magnificent sunrise. Along the lake, there is a…

“A Simple Little Journey”

Mark 4:35-41             {Prayer}             A simple little journey, a routine trip, a trip that you make every single day … one little thing different happens and that physical journey turns into a spiritual journey.             For example, driving to and from work, a trip that you make every single day, and one day a…

“The Mysterious Middle”

Mark 4:26-34             {Prayer}             We are currently living in the midst of this “mysterious middle.” Who would have thought to be here in the middle of June and still be planting the spring crops? With a late planting, the question of what the final harvest will look like. With a late planting, there can…

“We Have a … Christ-Centered Mission”

Colossians 4:2-6             {Prayer}             In a small, little quaint town, nestled back in the heart of Germany, there once lived a skilled clockmaker named Hans. Hans was very well known throughout the region for his precision and dedication to his craft.             One day, a visitor from a distant land was passing through the…