Sermons from May 2023

“Spirit of God

Numbers 11:24-30             {Prayer}             Today is Pentecost Sunday. Today, as we heard, is the day in which the disciples of Jesus receive the promised gift of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost is the day in which the confusion of languages which occurred way back at the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 was converted to…

“To Know or Not to Know”

John 17:1-11             {Prayer}             Scene 3 of Act 1 of one of William Shakespeare’s most popular, well-known plays in the world is iconic. In Scene 3 of Act 1, Hamlet says, “To be, or not to be? That is the question—Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous…

“Commands Given in Love”

John 14:15-21             {Prayer}             There are those things which as a parent you say to your child that you hope they remember, especially if something should happen to you. I came across a story of a girl who did just that. Laughing as she put on her coat, this girl said, “My father always…

“The Solid Rock”

1 Peter 2:2-10             {Prayer}             In my mind is etched this tragedy which happened on my way to school in either kindergarten or first grade. In my eyes, I had built this absolutely awesome Lego house of random bricks. It had four multicolored walls, a door, and even some windows. I had built it…