Sermons from July 2020

Permanency Anyone?”

Psalm 125              {Prayer}           Sunrises, sunsets, vibrant color of spring and summer flowers, bright colors of leaves in the fall, frost and snow covering tree branches … World Series Champions, Super Bowl Champions, Stanley Cup Champions … homes, jobs, steady income … high metabolism, loads of energy, natural hair color, good health.  All of…

God Is Great

Acts 17:16-34 “God Is Great”             {Prayer}             Mysteries … everyone joys a good mystery every now and then right?  There is something about a mystery, something about trying to figure out the unknown which draws people in.  How is this story going to end?  How is this movie going to end?  Who did it? …

Common Thoughts That Lead to Consuming Passions

Exodus 20:17 Dear Friends in Christ,    The human body…a subject that I have to confess has fascinated me ever since I took an anatomy and physiology course in college. It is a masterpiece of intelligent design.  It is amazing how all of its different parts – heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, muscles, bones, nerves, skin,…


Psalm 11:3 Dear Friends in Christ,    At one time it was one of the most, if not the most powerful, productive, and proficient empires the world had ever seen or known.  It lasted just over 500 years.  It encompassed an incredible 2.2 million square miles.  Because of its many conquests, its population swelled from…