Sermons from January 2025

“Feeding Your Faith”

James 1:17-25             {Prayer}             Anna was a high-achieving college student who always seemed to have everything under control. But behind all of her achievements, she battled with anorexia nervosa. Each meal became a battle, every calorie a measure of her worth. She thought she could control it, but over time, the control started controlling…

“The Light of Christ Gives Hope”

John 1:1-14             {Prayer}             As many of you know, I love to go deer hunting. Even if I don’t get the opportunity to shoot anything, I just love being out in the woods and soaking up the wonderful creation that God has blessed us with. Of all the times to hunt, I would say…

“Profiting From Your Problems”

James 1:1-12             {Prayer}             John, Michael, and Wendy, Tinker Bell and Captain Hook … it all happened in a place called Never Never Land. Walt Disney’s story of Peter Pan is about a boy who simply refuses to grow up. Wishing to escape the responsibilities of adulting, Peter Pan was determined to remain eternally…

“No Gift Too Small”

Isaiah 60:1-6             {Prayer}             “And going into the house, {the Magi} saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh” (Matthew 2:11).             Gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Those are some pretty expensive gifts. But add onto…