Sermons from 2023 (Page 4)

“Spirit of God

Numbers 11:24-30             {Prayer}             Today is Pentecost Sunday. Today, as we heard, is the day in which the disciples of Jesus receive the promised gift of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost is the day in which the confusion of languages which occurred way back at the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 was converted to…

“To Know or Not to Know”

John 17:1-11             {Prayer}             Scene 3 of Act 1 of one of William Shakespeare’s most popular, well-known plays in the world is iconic. In Scene 3 of Act 1, Hamlet says, “To be, or not to be? That is the question—Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous…

“Commands Given in Love”

John 14:15-21             {Prayer}             There are those things which as a parent you say to your child that you hope they remember, especially if something should happen to you. I came across a story of a girl who did just that. Laughing as she put on her coat, this girl said, “My father always…

“The Solid Rock”

1 Peter 2:2-10             {Prayer}             In my mind is etched this tragedy which happened on my way to school in either kindergarten or first grade. In my eyes, I had built this absolutely awesome Lego house of random bricks. It had four multicolored walls, a door, and even some windows. I had built it…

“The Bummer Lamb”

Psalm 23             {Prayer}             On what has been dubbed Good Shepherd Sunday, it would be a disservice to not talk about sheep and the Shepherd. Usually when we talk about sheep we talk about the whole flock of sheep, of all of God’s little lambs. But this morning, I want to change that up…

“Greater than Moses”

Acts 2:14a, 36-41             {Prayer}             Back before there were computers, a little boy was watching his father, who happened to be the pastor, write a sermon. The little boy always wondered about his dad’s sermons so he asked him one day, “How do you know what to say?” “Well son, God tells me.” Little…

“The Holy Rude”

Acts 5:29-42             {Prayer}             Cursing in general is rude. To call someone “rude” for cursing someone or something is a great way to get one’s attention.             And if you look at our reading from Acts, this is how Peter and the other apostles are in their preaching, in their addressing of Israel’s behavior,…

“Mercy in the Open Tomb”

Exodus 15:1-18             {Prayer}             In a cemetery in Hanover, Germany, there is a tomb which is known as the “opened grave”. It is the tomb of a noblewoman, Henriette von Ruling, who died in 1782. Her tomb, her above ground vault is immense and is constructed of heavy stone with a large and imposing…

“Mercy in Palms”

John 12:12-19             {Prayer}             So as you can tell, today is Palm Sunday. Today is the day in which commemorate or celebrate Jesus’ great procession into Jerusalem at the beginning of Holy Week. It’s called Palm Sunday simply because the people used palm branches to welcome and honor Jesus as He entered into the…

“Mercy in Service”

John 13:12-17             {Prayer}             Some bad pastor biblical jokes for you. Which athletic sport do you think is the most biblical? Some people say baseball because … Genesis 1 starts with, “In the big inning”. Others though say that football is found in the early chapters of Genesis because it describes the “first down”…