Exodus 34:1-8 {Prayer} Jimmy Wayne learned to never trust a soul. That’s why he never unpacked his bag. And who can blame him? Jimmy Wayne never knew his father. His mother spent more time in jail than out of jail. When he was a small child, his mother got out of jail again…
Exodus 32:1-14 {Prayer} Traveling through Nebraska one wintery yet spring like evening, Jessica and I came upon a vehicle on the side of the road. As we slowly drove by, it looked like they needed some help. So we decided that we since we were on our way home and it was kind…
John 12:12-19 {Prayer} So as you can tell, today is Palm Sunday. Today is the day in which commemorate or celebrate Jesus’ great procession into Jerusalem at the beginning of Holy Week. It’s called Palm Sunday simply because the people used palm branches to welcome and honor Jesus as He entered into the…
John 13:12-17 {Prayer} Some bad pastor biblical jokes for you. Which athletic sport do you think is the most biblical? Some people say baseball because … Genesis 1 starts with, “In the big inning”. Others though say that football is found in the early chapters of Genesis because it describes the “first down”…
2 Chronicles 26:1-5, 15b-21 {Prayer} One of my favorite bathroom signs has to be “Wash your hands and say your prayers for Jesus and germs are everywhere.” And He is and they are. Jesus being everywhere means that you are never alone, which can be a good thing and a bad thing. Germs…
Ephesians 4:25-32 {Prayer} How many of you have heard the joke about what make and model of automobile the early Christians drove? Well for those who haven’t. The make and model of the car early Christians drove was a Honda Accord. Why? Because in Acts 2:1, it says of the early church, “They…
2 Chronicles 24:1-4, 17-25 {Prayer} Here we are in the middle of March and yet, in light of our sermon tonight, I’m curious … how many of you back on January 1st made a New Year Resolution? Okay … Of all the different New Year Resolutions out there, according to the USA Today,…
2 Chronicles 17:1-6; 18:1-3; 19:1-7 {Prayer} When Faith was little, maybe a year or two old, she and this other boy, about the same age as her at a nearby table, were making faces and laughing at each other while we were out to eat at our local Mexican restaurant. It was all…
1 Peter 2:21-25 {Prayer} Benjamin Franklin once said that there are two certainties in life … death and taxes. We can add another to that short list … suffering. We all know what suffering is and we face it in some form every day. All we need to do is turn on the…
2 Chronicles 14:1-7; 16:1-13 {Prayer} “Finish strong! Don’t quit! Don’t give up!” Those words ring loud and clear in the ears of any athlete, of any runner especially. I used to hear those words when I was lifting weights in high school and when I was doing cross training workouts back in Nebraska.…