John 1:12b {Prayer} Between 1854 and 1929, over 200,000 orphans in cities like New York, Boston, and Philly were placed on trains and shipped west across the United States. These trains would periodically stop for viewings. Yes, viewings. Children would be lined up like cattle at an auction. Potential parents would ask questions, evaluate…
John 1:6-9, 15 {Prayer} Nadin Khoury was 13 years old, 5 foot 2 and weighed, soaking wet, 100 pounds. Nadin’s mom had lost her job as a hotel maid and needed work. She moved her family from Minneapolis to Philadelphia. In 2000, the family had escaped war-torn Liberia in West Africa. Nadin Khoury, then,…
John 1:1-5 {Prayer} “You have my word!” When you hear those four little words, it’s easy to become skeptical. And why is that? I think it’s because we live in a world of broken promises, a world filled with empty vows, a world where pledges are made only to be forgotten. Assurances are given…
Micah 6:1-8 {Prayer} This is a picture of the oldest standing church in the world. It’s called the Church of the Nativity and it’s located in the little town of Bethlehem. The church was built in the fourth century AD over the site where Jesus, whose birth we just celebrated, was born. Unlike…
Micah 5:2-4 {Prayer} You know, if NBC, CNN and Fox News had been around in 1809, all of their broadcasts would have originated from Austria. Now why Austria? Well, because that’s where things were really happening. Napoleon was sweeping through Austria like a hot knife through butter. Napoleon Bonaparte was making history and it…
Matthew 1:18-25 {Prayer} One of the greatest basketball players of all time once said, “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” If Michael Jordan never shot the basketball as a kid, if he didn’t spend countless hours practicing his basketball skills … he would just be a normal person. However, Jordan worked…
Micah 7:18-20 {Prayer} It was the summer of 1820 and ten-year-old Phineas was about see the island, his island. You see the day he was born his grandfather presented Phineas with a deed, a deed to some land in Connecticut called Ivy Island. And for the first time, Phineas was going to see and…
Philippians 2:5-11 {Prayer} I want to ask you a question … is there a difference between joy and happiness? Are sure? Let’s look at the definitions of these two words. Joy is “A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.” Happiness is “the State of being happy.” When you look in a Thesaurus ……
Micah 4:1-5 {Prayer} Two years, before his untimely death, the Los Angeles Lakers retired both of Kobe Bryant’s numbers … number eight and number twenty-four. At the event, an ESPN announcer said, “They will hang in the Staples Center forever.” Uh, no, they won’t. Kobe’s numbers won’t hang there forever because in a sports world…
Micah 1:1-4 {Prayer} John Glenn learned how to fly fighter jets as he completed 59 missions in World War II and 90 missions in the Korean War. John Glenn learned to fly fast as he was the first pilot to fly at supersonic speed. John Glenn learned how to fly into outer space. In…