Sermons by Michael Feldmann (Page 11)

“Mercy in Ashes”

Joel 2:12-13             {Prayer}             In our more contemporary society, we don’t really encounter ashes. We live in a culture which sanitizes pretty much everything. Anything unsightly, like ashes, have been removed from view. At one time, vehicles use to come with ash trays and cigarette lighters, but now there is a USB port and…

“Pardon Me”

Matthew 17:1-9 {Prayer}             For some reason, maybe it was the accent and the obscure timing of the question, but I have always loved this commercial. Show clip. Here you got the poor guy trying to enjoy the finer pleasure of life with his meal and he is rudely interrupted. I’m sure he really enjoyed…

“House Rules”

Matthew 5:21-37             {Prayer}             A quick show of hands, how many of you have ever heard of “house rules”? By definition, “house rules” are the rules which people make in order to live together in some kind of peace and harmony. Sometimes they are posted on the fridge, written out on a marker board,…

“Let Your Light Shine”

Matthew 5:13-20             {Prayer}             I am a fan of storms. I love to watch storms approach, I love to listen to the rain, watch the lightening and feel the rumble of the thunder. Probably one of the eeriest things to me though is when it’s evening time, that storm outside is doing the things…

“Being Born”

Isaiah 49:1-7           {Prayer}             Eating breakfast around our table one day this week, my family and I got on the topic somehow of why is it that babies cry when they are born. Maybe we got on the topic because it was cold in our house, which is what Jessica and Faith think all…

“God Reveals”

Matthew 2:1-12 {Prayer}             If you have ever put up crown molding in your house and went to the extent of coping the corner pieces together, you know how difficult of a task that can be. First off, if you don’t know what coping is, it is a woodworking technique of shaping the end of…

“A Name Given by God”

Luke 2:21             {Prayer}             Some people choose to find out if they are having a boy or a girl before he or she is born while others choose not to. Gender reveal parties are now a pretty common thing and there are so many different ways in which people do them. You can spend…