John 1:1-14 {Prayer} As many of you know, I love to go deer hunting. Even if I don’t get the opportunity to shoot anything, I just love being out in the woods and soaking up the wonderful creation that God has blessed us with. Of all the times to hunt, I would say…
John 18:33-37 {Prayer} Before I left for my hunting vacation this past week, I had this image of a compass in mind for today’s message. Now, I’m typically good with directions, especially when hunting in familiar terrain. But at my father-in-law’s farm, even at his house, I get completely turned around. I know…
John 17:1-11 {Prayer} Scene 3 of Act 1 of one of William Shakespeare’s most popular, well-known plays in the world is iconic. In Scene 3 of Act 1, Hamlet says, “To be, or not to be? That is the question—Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous…
John 14:15-21 {Prayer} There are those things which as a parent you say to your child that you hope they remember, especially if something should happen to you. I came across a story of a girl who did just that. Laughing as she put on her coat, this girl said, “My father always…
John 12:12-19 {Prayer} So as you can tell, today is Palm Sunday. Today is the day in which commemorate or celebrate Jesus’ great procession into Jerusalem at the beginning of Holy Week. It’s called Palm Sunday simply because the people used palm branches to welcome and honor Jesus as He entered into the…
John 13:12-17 {Prayer} Some bad pastor biblical jokes for you. Which athletic sport do you think is the most biblical? Some people say baseball because … Genesis 1 starts with, “In the big inning”. Others though say that football is found in the early chapters of Genesis because it describes the “first down”…
John 8:48-59 {Prayer} “Who do you think you are?” Ever have that question asked to you? If you have, its probably because of something you said or something you did which the other person really didn’t like. In asking that question, they are essentially questioning your authority, they’re questioning who gave you the right…
Acts 2:1-21; John 14:23-31 During the last ten days of the Church year, we’ve been living in liturgical limbo, existing between two realities. We’ve celebrated our Lord’s ascension into heaven. But since the Ascension, we’ve been waiting. We’ve been waiting for this day. Like the Apostles of old, we’ve been listening to our Lord’s instructions…
John 16:22-33 {Prayer} Music and art … individually and collectively, they have a way of bringing out, of expressing the sorrow of life, the hardness and darkness which comes with the various struggles of life which we experience. Music and art have a way of cutting to the heart, to the core of an…
John 16:12-22 {Prayer} How many of you like riddles? I like them mainly because they make you think. So in light of that, let’s try a couple of riddles shall we? If you know the answer, go ahead and say it. Riddle number one. “There’s a one-story house in which everything is yellow. Yellow…