Here you can read and hear recent sermons from our church.
2 Corinthians 12:7-10 {Prayer} As we all already know, today our nation celebrates Independence Day. On this day in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was accepted by the leaders of the 13 original colonies. Through our songs and prayers, we recognize that we are blessed and we give thanks to God for the blessings…
Mark 5:21-43 {Prayer} King Solomon starts Ecclesiastes 3 saying that “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.” In verse four he says there is “a time to weep and a time to laugh.” There is a time to mourn, to complain, to shed tears, to lament…
Luke 15:11-32 {Prayer} Children, children are truly a gift from God. Even in the midst of a temper tantrum, the sassiness, or a full-blown teenage attitude, even though we may think we are being punished for the way we adults treated our parents when we were their age … despite all that … children…
Revelation 14:14-20 {Prayer} Our reading from Revelation 14 is one which sounds like it could produce the script for a good horror movie and very well may be one of the reasons why someone may not want to read the book of Revelation. I’m not a fan of horror movies myself as there is…
Genesis 3:1-21 Satan is patient, stoking the power of evil that he believes is stronger than God. He devises a scheme and becomes one with a snake. And there he waits. He will wait as long it takes to entrap and ensnare. And so, he waits. He waits for Eve to walk past the Tree…
John 3:1-17 {Prayer} Some things, no matter how much time is spent on studying and research … some things, some things are just a mystery. Take for example the Kryptos. Kryptos is a mysterious encrypted sculpture which sits right outside the headquarters of the CIA in Langley, Virginia. So mysterious this is, not even…
John 16:5-15 {Prayer} Betrayal … Denial … Hatred … Harassment … Grief. These five words … these five words could easily describe the plot line of really any daytime soap opera. These five words … they can also describe the emotional status of the disciples. Let me explain. Before the ascension…
Acts 1:1-11 {Prayer} To quote a well-known commercial … “How do you eat an Oreo cookie?” I know, that sounds pretty random, but you should know by now that my mind sometimes comes up with some weird ideas. As I was reading through our text from Acts 1, as well as some other…
John 15:9-17 {Prayer} Have you ever been asked, especially by someone who may not be connected to a church or who may not even be a Christian … “Why are you doing that?” Something similar happened at the Easter Egg Hunt this year. One of the little ones there was so excited to…
John 15:1-8 {Prayer} Whenever I have gone away on a youth trip, mission trip, or a hunting trip … as much as I look forward to them and enjoy myself on them … there is also this voice in the back of my head which says, “Don’t call home.” Now it’s not that I…