Sermons from 2024 (Page 5)

“Strike the Rock!”

Exodus 17:1-7             {Prayer}             When we don’t get enough water, we confuse our thirst for hunger. What happens when we do that? We eat. We eat when we don’t need to eat. And what does that mean for us? We gain weight.             When we don’t get enough water, we also become tired, dizzy,…

“Stop Trying and Start Trusting”

Exodus 14:1-29             {Prayer}             Try to picture this. The National Youth Gathering youth and leaders, about 25 people in all, are flying on Southwest to New Orleans. As the Boeing 737 starts taxing down the runway, the youth start flapping their arms like a bird. The flight attendants come along and are like “What…

“How God Changes Us”

Exodus 3:1-14           {Prayer}           What do you want to change in your life? Maybe a bad habit? A bad relationship? A bad attitude? A bad situation? Or maybe a bad decision? What is it that you look at and say, “This just isn’t right. It’s got to change!”?           We live in a society…

“We Have … Christ-Centered Clothes”

Colossian 3:12-17             {Prayer}             So I’d like to conduct an informal survey. What is the most shocking piece of clothing in your closet? 1) An old college sweatshirt. 2) A purple and pink bathrobe. 3) A St. Louis Cardinals baseball hat. 4) A Hawaiian shirt that your wife can’t stand. 5) A T-shirt that…

“We Have a … Christ-Centered Mind”

Colossians 3:1-11             {Prayer}             A little refresher of where we’ve been in this series.             Chapter 1, we looked at doctrine or teaching. Christ at the Center declared that Jesus is, “Firstborn of all creation” (Col. 1:15). “Firstborn from the dead” (1:18). “So that he might have first place in all things” (1:18).            …

“We Cherish … Christ-Centered Fullness”

Colossians 2:6-15             {Prayer}             How do you fill in the blank? “I’m never ________ enough?” I’m never good enough. I’m never thin enough, never powerful enough, never successful enough, never smart enough, never old enough, never young enough, never educated enough, never athletic enough, never fast enough, never popular enough.             Frequently, when the…

“We Have … Christ-Centered Motivation”

Colossians 1:24-2:5             {Prayer}             Tony Robbins, an American motivational speaker and ‘life coach’ who created a multifaceted business empire by preaching a gospel of self-improvement can make anywhere between $300,000 and $1 million per speaking engagement. That’s not bad for a sixty-minute speech. Even if you don’t get someone like Tony Robbins, the top…

“We Live in a … Christ-Centered Universe”

Colossians 1:15-23             {Prayer}             “Who’s on first?” Three simple words were put together and made famous in the 1930’s by Bud Abbott and Lou Costello. “Who’s on first?” … it’s confusing. Is it a question? “Which person is playing first base?” Or is it an answer? “The name of the first basemen is ‘Who’.”…

“We Have a … Christ Centered Gospel”

Colossians 1:1-14             {Prayer}             Bob Newhart on the Bob Newhart show plays a psychiatrist. In one episode, a client arrives at his office and he explains his billing. “I charge five dollars for the first five minutes. Any time after that is free. Is that acceptable?” The woman can’t believe it. She says, “Of…