Sermons from August 2024

“A Divine Promise”

Genesis 3:14-24             {Prayer}             Ever been told by someone not to do something … but then you go ahead and do it anyway? Like, don’t stick your finger in a box fan when the fan is on? Or, don’t hold onto an electric fence? Or, don’t put so much hot sauce on your burrito?…

“The Fall of Man”

Genesis 3:1-13             {Prayer}             A couple of weeks ago I brought up two masterpieces, “The Night Watch” by Rembrandt and the “La Pieta”, by Michelangelo. Both pieces had been severely damaged and had to undergo major restoration in order to make them look as close as possible to what they originally looked like. And…

“Strength for the Journey”

1 Kings 19:1-8             {Prayer}             For the last three weeks, the dominant theme in the sports world is not how the Chicago Cubs have beaten the St. Louis Cardinals. As great as that has been, the main focus has been overseas on the Summer Olympic Games in Paris.             The athletes who participate in…

“Created in His Image”

Genesis 1:26-31             {Prayer}              “The Night Watch” is a famous painting done by Rembrandt in 1642. The painting is roughly 12 feet by 14 ½ feet and is famed for transforming a group portrait of a civic guard company into a compelling drama energized by light and shadow.             Over the years, this famous…