Sermons from May 2024

“A New Life”

Ezekiel 37:1-14             {Prayer}             Dead end! Just think about those words for just a moment. Dead end. Those have to be two of the most ominous words out there. Dead. End.             There is the dead end of bankruptcy. The dead end of cancer. The dead end of depression. The dead end of sexual…

“A New City”

Ezekiel 48:30-35             {Prayer}             Mushers, mushers are people who drive sled dogs. Mushers train their dogs to endure races in the cold, arctic wilderness. But no matter the amount of training, during some long races, like the Alaskan Itarod, some dogs get hurt. Others become exhausted. Still other dogs lose interest in running for…

“A New River”

Ezekiel 47:1-12             {Prayer}             There are parts of the United States that some people refer to as “fly over country.” This area is pretty much anything between the Ohio River Valley and the Rocky Mountains. And it’s labeled this because some people don’t see these areas as being very exciting. Some have the impression…