Sermons from 2023

“Light of Grace – Glory: Shepherds”

Luke 2:8-20             {Prayer}             Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or on Christmas day? How about your stockings? Do you get to check those every day or just on Christmas morning? Is your tree artificial or real? Do you decorate the outside of your house as well as the inside?             These…

Are You A Sheep Or A Goat?

               Matthew 25:31-46 Today is Christ the King Sunday. It is the last Sunday of the church year. It is the Sunday we honor Jesus as the king of our lives and the king of the world. This Kingship of Jesus is clearly seen in our gospel text as He says: “When the Son of…

“Faithful Watching & Waiting”

1 Thessalonians 5:1-10             {Prayer}             Here we are the weekend before Thanksgiving. Many people across our nation, including my family, we will be traveling. With that thought in mind … have you ever been in an airline terminal when the plane you are waiting for is late? Once that announcement comes across the intercom,…

“It’s Just One of Those Days”

Amos 5:18-24 {Prayer}             Ever just have one of those days? You know the ones. One of those days where everything is going along great and then something happens. You burnt your toast, you spilled your coffee down your shirt, the heater in the car didn’t work this morning. Things just keep coming at you…

“Part of the Crowd”

Revelation 7:9-17             {Prayer}             As a kid growing, just like kids growing up today, I thought I was being deprived by my parents of what I thought were the bare necessities of life. When I was told no when everyone else I knew was being told yes or that it’s okay, I felt like…

“In Good Hands”

Isaiah 64:1-8             {Prayer}             In 1950, Dave Ellis’ daughter JoAnn fell victim to hepatitis. She was an honor student at Evanston High School, the valedictorian of her graduating class, the ‘baby’ in the Ellis family, and the apple of her parent’s eye.             Things didn’t look to good to Dave one morning as he…


Matthew 22:15-22             {Prayer}             I want to admit right up front, I’m not much of a chess player. And even though I’m not like those professional players who win in no time flat, I have won a few games in my time. Now granted, it was usually against someone like my kids who really…