Sermons on Matthew

“The Light of the World”

Matthew 5:14-16             {Prayer}             With Christmas only a few days away, some of us will be traveling to see friends and loved ones. As with any trip, there is a certain amount of planning that needs to happen. We have to pack, figure out which way we’re going to, how many stops it may…

Are You A Sheep Or A Goat?

               Matthew 25:31-46 Today is Christ the King Sunday. It is the last Sunday of the church year. It is the Sunday we honor Jesus as the king of our lives and the king of the world. This Kingship of Jesus is clearly seen in our gospel text as He says: “When the Son of…


Matthew 22:15-22             {Prayer}             I want to admit right up front, I’m not much of a chess player. And even though I’m not like those professional players who win in no time flat, I have won a few games in my time. Now granted, it was usually against someone like my kids who really…

“Overwhelming Forgiveness”

Matthew 18:21-35             {Prayer}             How do you treat a sinner? How do you treat one who has sinned against you, who has done something so grievous toward you or someone you love?                 On September 6, 2018, Police Officer Amber Guyger was coming home from her overnight shift. She was tired. As she…

“What Kind of Question is That?”

Matthew 18:1-20             {Prayer}             Have you ever wondered, if someone is bald, what hair color do they list on their driver’s license? If you woke up to be the only person left on earth, what will do? Why do banks have branches, if money doesn’t grow on trees? Since tomatoes are considered a fruit,…

“Lord, Help Me!”

Matthew 15:21-28             {Prayer}             A rope being pulled in opposite directions hard enough and for an extended period of time will eventually start to fray. More times than you and I are probably willing to admit … we feel like this rope. Tugged this way, pulled that way. Stretched out between two, three, or…

“If You Are …”

Matthew14:22-33             {Prayer}             My grandpa on my mom’s side of the family got drafted and was part of The Pacific Theater in World War II. He was assigned to the Seabees or the Naval Construction Battalion of the US Navy. He was stationed in Okinawa in southern Japan, to help make the island a…

“A Desolate Feast”

Matthew 14:13-21             {Prayer}             Never stop dating your spouse. That is one of the many things I talk about with couples in our pre-martial sessions. Never stop dating your spouse because you need that time together away from the kids, you need that time to grow in your relationship together, you need that time…