Sermons on Luke (Page 2)

“Come to Jesus”

Luke 16:1-15 {Prayer}             Kids, I want to ask you something as I begin. Do you know what a “come to Jesus” meeting is? … Okay, for those of you who know what it is, let me ask you this … have you ever had a “come to Jesus” meeting? … If you have, there…

“To Seek & Save”

Luke 15:1-10 {Prayer}             I want you to think of your favorite movie. I want to you to think of that movie you have seen countless times, that movie where you know exactly what is going to happen next, that movie where you can even say the actor’s or actress’ line before they do. Got…

“Watch Jesus Closely”

Luke 14:1-14             {Prayer}             One of Jessica’s favorite pass times is people watching. This was especially true back when we were in college and before we had the responsibility of looking after, watching over, and keeping track of our own kids. Back in college at Concordia in Chicago, I specifically remember one time where…

“Life of Faith is Hard”

Luke 13:22-30 {Prayer}             I came across a devotion which talked a little bit about John Bunyan, not to be confused with the giant lumberjack Paul Bunyan and his big blue ox Babe. John Bunyan is a seventeenth century Puritan. Of those who know of him, he is most famous for his work entitled “The…

“Who is My Neighbor”

                        36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” 37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” Luke 10:36-37 We ask, “Just who is my neighbor?” Jesus answers, “Be a neighbor.” Today’s…

“Sufficient Success”

Luke 10:1-20 {Prayer}             In light of one of this summer’s blockbuster movies, Jurassic World Dominion, where the people in the movie have to try to manage living a life where dinosaurs are living amongst them, which needless to say is not an ideal setting, I came across a quote from Mark Gungor which says,…

“Before & After”

Luke 8:26-39 {Prayer}             Around the beginning of the year, my e-mail and mail is flooded with promotional material from our health insurance company encouraging us to sign up for a program which will help us lead a healthier lifestyle. Whether it is this program our health insurance pushes or if it is some other…

“The Empty Tomb: A Place of Remembering”

Luke 24:1-11 {Prayer}             It’s easy to get overwhelmed at Easter with the choir, the lilies, the praise, the celebration of Christ’s victory.  It’s easy to get overwhelmed.  But when you listen to Luke tell the Easter story, he focuses your attention on one thing … remembering.             Think of it.  The first Easter was…