Genesis 18:1-14 {Prayer} Ever tell a joke which you thought was great one and all you got in response was crickets? Seems to happen to me all the time … unless I’m telling a joke to one of my kids. They seem to be about the only ones who laugh with me … at…
Genesis 3:1-21 Satan is patient, stoking the power of evil that he believes is stronger than God. He devises a scheme and becomes one with a snake. And there he waits. He will wait as long it takes to entrap and ensnare. And so, he waits. He waits for Eve to walk past the Tree…
Genesis 50:15-21 “Best Laid Plans” {Prayer} The design of anything, whether it be the building of a house or something much smaller like a toy box, whether it is the developing of a curriculum program for an entire school or even a lesson plan for one day, for one class, whether it be…