Sermon Archive (Page 26)

Here you can read and hear recent sermons from our church.

Land of Confusion

{Prayer} “There’s too many men, too many peoplemaking too many problemsAnd there’s not much love to go aroundCan’t you see this is the land of confusion?” Without the context of where those words come from, they may just be words on a page to you.  Remember back a few weeks ago when I mentioned in…

What is Fair?

What Is Fair? Matthew 20:1-16 Summary: God’s deals with His people not based on what we deserve but based on His grace. Many people living in the United States have in some way been affected by the unions whether positively or negatively. You may have to join the unions if you work part time or full time…

Best Laid Plans

Genesis 50:15-21 “Best Laid Plans”             {Prayer}             The design of anything, whether it be the building of a house or something much smaller like a toy box, whether it is the developing of a curriculum program for an entire school or even a lesson plan for one day, for one class, whether it be…

What Does It Mean to be Great?

Matthew 18:1-14 “What Does It Mean to be Great?”             {Prayer}             Little kids, especially babies, aren’t they just the most precious things you’ve ever seen?  I mean really, the cuteness radar just goes off the scale!  There are not many people who pass up the opportunity to hold a baby and just snuggle or…

Lessons Learned

John 10:9 Dear Friends in Christ,    It’s one of the most common questions children get asked during their growing up years.  And that question is: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  I distinctly remember being asked that question by this lady here…my 2nd grade teacher, Miss Dobberstein.  In fact, she…

Shaking Out the Rug

Job 38:12-13             {Prayer}           Over the course of my ministry, and I’m sure Pastor Meyer could say the same thing, I can sit or stand in front of my computer, read books, read devotions, read sermon help files and still struggle to come up with an idea or develop a sermon.  But yet there…

One Man Dead, One Man Dancing, Part 2

2 Samuel 6:8-15 Dear Friends in Christ,    Most of you here today will no doubt be able to recall one of the biggest hit movies of all time that was released in 1984.  It was called “Footloose.”  It featured actor John Lithgow as a very stern and strict pastor in a small town where…

Turn Your Eyes

Matthew 14:22-33             {Prayer}             Have you ever thought what it would be like to be a disciple of Jesus?  Now I’m not talking about being a disciple of Jesus today, but being one of the original twelve disciples back when Jesus actually was walking around in person.  Have you ever wondered what it would…

One Man Dead, One Man Dancing

2 Samuel 6:1-15 Dear Friends in Christ,                                                                                      “Everyone loves a parade.”  We’ve all heard that saying.  But is it really true?  Well, I suppose that would depend on whom you ask.  Ask those who watch the parade and yes, probably every one of them would say that they do love a parade.  Otherwise…