Sermon Archive (Page 14)

Here you can read and hear recent sermons from our church.

“Running In Faith”

Hebrews 12:1-3 {Prayer}             Coming home from a yearly physical one year, Jessica asked me how the appointment went and if I was healthy or not. I said to her … “The doctor said I was as healthy as a Clydesdale ready to run the Kentucky Derby.” Now granted those weren’t the doctor’s exact words,…

“Faith is More than Wishful Thinking”

Hebrews 11:1-16 {Prayer}             Sometimes when you hear something, you automatically associate a particular thing with it. For example, when we hear “Hefty, Hefty, Hefty”, we think trash bags. When we hear, “The quicker picker upper”, we think Bounty. “Be all you can be”, we think Army. “Just do it”, we think Nike.             Well…

“Past, Present, Future – In All Things”

Colossians 1:15-20 {Prayer}              In the opening scene of the movie “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle”, Spencer writes a paper for his so called friend Fridge. As Spencer gives the paper to Fridge, this is the really brief interaction they have in the movie. {Show clip}             Each paper, each book, each story has those…

“Something to Laugh At”

Genesis 18:1-14 {Prayer}             Ever tell a joke which you thought was great one and all you got in response was crickets? Seems to happen to me all the time … unless I’m telling a joke to one of my kids. They seem to be about the only ones who laugh with me … at…

“Who is My Neighbor”

                        36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” 37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” Luke 10:36-37 We ask, “Just who is my neighbor?” Jesus answers, “Be a neighbor.” Today’s…

“Sufficient Success”

Luke 10:1-20 {Prayer}             In light of one of this summer’s blockbuster movies, Jurassic World Dominion, where the people in the movie have to try to manage living a life where dinosaurs are living amongst them, which needless to say is not an ideal setting, I came across a quote from Mark Gungor which says,…

“God is Calling You”

1 Kings 19:9b-21           {Prayer}             People who are perfectionists tend to see the world in a little bit different way than others. For the perfectionist, almost everything is black and white. The gray area of life is very minimal. We perfectionists often feel like we are superhuman, that we are invincible, and able to…

“Before & After”

Luke 8:26-39 {Prayer}             Around the beginning of the year, my e-mail and mail is flooded with promotional material from our health insurance company encouraging us to sign up for a program which will help us lead a healthier lifestyle. Whether it is this program our health insurance pushes or if it is some other…

“Who Do You Think You Are?

John 8:48-59 {Prayer}             “Who do you think you are?” Ever have that question asked to you? If you have, its probably because of something you said or something you did which the other person really didn’t like. In asking that question, they are essentially questioning your authority, they’re questioning who gave you the right…