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James 3:1-18 {Prayer} On July 16, 1945, the first atomic bomb was tested in New Mexico. On that day Robert Oppenheimer, the bomb’s creator, famously quoted an ancient Hindu proverb saying, “I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.” With that testing, the nuclear age had begun, unleashing destruction on an unprecedented scale.…
James 2:14-26 {Prayer} Imagine for a moment that you are driving down a quiet road late at night. In your rearview mirror, you suddenly see red and blue flashing lights. Your heart skips a beat as you think to yourself, “What did I do wrong?” You pull over, roll down your window, and…
James 1:17-25 {Prayer} Anna was a high-achieving college student who always seemed to have everything under control. But behind all of her achievements, she battled with anorexia nervosa. Each meal became a battle, every calorie a measure of her worth. She thought she could control it, but over time, the control started controlling…
John 1:1-14 {Prayer} As many of you know, I love to go deer hunting. Even if I don’t get the opportunity to shoot anything, I just love being out in the woods and soaking up the wonderful creation that God has blessed us with. Of all the times to hunt, I would say…
James 1:1-12 {Prayer} John, Michael, and Wendy, Tinker Bell and Captain Hook … it all happened in a place called Never Never Land. Walt Disney’s story of Peter Pan is about a boy who simply refuses to grow up. Wishing to escape the responsibilities of adulting, Peter Pan was determined to remain eternally…
Isaiah 60:1-6 {Prayer} “And going into the house, {the Magi} saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh” (Matthew 2:11). Gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Those are some pretty expensive gifts. But add onto…
Luke 2:22-35 {Prayer} What child is this? Despite popular opinion of some around here, my favorite Christmas hymn is not Go Tell It on the Mountain but instead is What Child is This. Not only is this my favorite Christmas hymn, but it can easily be one of those questions pondered by expecting…
Matthew 5:14-16 {Prayer} With Christmas only a few days away, some of us will be traveling to see friends and loved ones. As with any trip, there is a certain amount of planning that needs to happen. We have to pack, figure out which way we’re going to, how many stops it may…
Leviticus 2:13 & Mark 9:50 {Prayer} The number one, most important ingredient for seasoning is … salt. While salt has it own unique taste, as a seasoning … it is like a chameleon in that can blend and balance a recipe’s flavor together like no other. Salt can reduce bitterness, increase and enhance…
Exodus 16:1-17 {Prayer} The season of Advent is a sacred time of anticipation and preparation. It’s a season of comings and goings, of traveling to visit loved ones, to return to places and people to whom we feel a belonging to. Songs of the season speak of these travels in joyous language. “Over…