Church Blog (Page 2)

September Newsletter

FROM DEACONESS JESSICA’S DESK:   Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ! Change?  How will you handle it?        As I’m writing this, today is Faith and Heath’s first day of school. Last night as they were getting ready for bed Faith was telling Heath about how prepared she was for school. She told him how she had…

July – August Newsletter

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ! Physical pain which prevents you from doing what you want can be rather annoying and just flat out … painful. Let me tell you a story about what happened to me in college. In attempt to spike a volleyball in a college intramural game (for the game winner of…

June Newsletter

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ, I’m sure I’m not the only person who has asked this question, actually, I know I’m not the only person. I would confidently bet that each and every one of us at one point in time or another has asked … “God, what in the world do you have…

May Newsletter

FROM DEACONESS JESSICA’S  DESK: Salem Lutheran Church…where friends become family…      When we first heard of Salem and I saw this phrase on the website my cynical-self thought, “Where we want our friends to become our family.”  You see…in the four churches I had the privilege of being part of in the past…this was not the…

April Newsletter

FROM PASTOR MIKE’S DESK: Brothers & Sisters in Christ!             Sometimes I can be a very impatient person … especially when it comes to this time of the year. Spring is here, but then it feels like winter again, and then spring is here, and then some more winter like cold and wind. Flowers have…

February Newsletter

FROM PASTOR MIKE’S DESK: Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,            Well, deer season is officially over! While I didn’t have the greatest year in terms of how many deer I tagged and put in the freezer, I still thoroughly enjoyed my time out in the woods, out within God’s great creation. I just love being…


From the desk of Deaconess Jessica Feldmann Today I videoed some of our students at preschool telling the Christmas story.  We have not taught them the real Christmas Story of Christ’s birth yet, so to say that they were even partly correct would be an understatement.  According to our preschoolers:  This is not the Christmas…

November Newsletter

FROM PASTOR MIKE’S DESK: Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,             As I sit here staring at a blank document on my computer wondering, “What am I going to write about for the November Newsletter?”, I thought, since no new and original idea was coming to mind, I should go back and look what I…

October Newsletter

FROM PASTOR MIKE’S DESK: Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,             So I know this is the October Newsletter and it may seem weird to bring up something which is happening in November, but I want to inform you about a change which is coming.             “Wait? What? Did Pastor just say the “c” word?”…