Small Group Bible Studies
Sometimes led by Pastor or by members of our congregation and covering various topics of interest, these small groups consist of individuals who meet sometimes once a week, sometimes once or twice a month for study, sharing, support, and encouragement. It’s a wonderful way to get to know people! Examples of various Bible Studies we might be offering include LifeLight Bible Study, a GriefShare study, etc. For more information on what we are currently offering, please contact the church office.
Youth Confirmation Class
Meets each Sunday throughout most of the school year; first-year students meet to study the stories of Scripture and their place in God’s overall plan of salvation; the next two years the students meet to acquaint themselves with the basic doctrines in the Lutheran church; last year students prepare themselves to responsible Christians and for active church membership.
Adult Information Class
Taught by the Pastor and is typically done once a year in the spring. The class lasts twelve weeks and is specially designed to help prospective members learn more about what Lutherans believe, teach, and confess.
Men’s Bible Breakfast
Meets at 8:00 a.m. on the second Saturday of the month (September – May) for a delicious meal, Bible study, and fellowship.
Vacation Bible School
One HUGE week of fun, singing, and learning for children 3 years old through 5th grade; usually held in July.