The dream
I once had a dream that honestly scared me more than I have ever been scared before. So scared I was scared to go back to sleep because I didn’t want to have it again. I will not tell you all of the details of the dream because I don’t want anyone to be scared…but I will try to give you an idea.
So at the time I was working as a Chaplain in the hospital. That is not an easy job and honestly most of the time I felt as though I was doing no good at all. It was easy talking to some people, but others were really a challenge and often they were the ones I wanted and needed to talk to the most. Sometimes as soon as I would introduce myself I would be asked to leave…but weren’t those the people I was supposed to talk to? How could I do the job God had given me if I couldn’t talk to those who didn’t believe…and what would I say if I were given the opportunity…ugh.
Back to the dream part…one night I had a dream that I was looking in a window seeing a moment where I actually got to talk to one such person and it was utterly terrifying (this conversation didn’t really happen, thankfully). I wanted to help the person so badly but there was nothing I could do. They refused let me speak and I was too afraid…so much so I couldn’t even remember the Lord’s Prayer or a Creed. Finally, I muttered out the words “Our Father” and an absolutely amazing thing happened…the window I was looking in at became an overwhelming bright light! So much so I had to close my eyes and as I did the window shattered. And then I woke up.
God stepped in! He stepped into my dream and overcame all horror right in front of my eyes. There was nothing to be scared of, it was all taken care of. God took care of it! I did nothing…He did it all!
Life is full of big scary moments. There are so many times we are at a complete loss of what to do about a situation. We try to handle it, we try to do our part, but maybe instead we are to truly sit back and give it to God to deal with. I mean we are only human, but God is SO MUCH MORE! He can handle all of the things we can’t…heck He handled all the things we think we handled ourselves.
It is so easy to say, “give it to God”, but so very hard to do. So if you have a something right now that is weighing on your heart…something you are totally lost on how to deal with…I want you to take time right now and with all the groanings of your heart beg and plead Him to take it from you and to take care of it. Because He’s Got It!
God loves you so much and wants you to trust Him with all of your cares. Let Him take away your fears and replace them with His OVERWHELMING peace.
To God be the Glory,
Deaconess Jessica Feldmann