July/August Newsletter

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ!

            Summer is officially here! For some, this means it’s time to take those family vacations. For some of the youth, it means spending countless hours at the pool. It means traveling throughout the Midwest to show of cattle, pigs, sheep, and whatever other animals are shown. Summer means it’s time for county and state fairs and local pageant contests. It’s also time for volleyball, basketball, and other summer camps.

            Summer, while super busy at times, is also a time for families to get together around the pool, the grill, and/or the fire pit and simply relax.

            Summer though is also a time for some to start looking ahead to the busy months when that “s” word … school … is back in session. With the beginning of school comes also the chaotic busyness of other activities.

            So, needless to say, I’ve been looking ahead. My attention has not only been on Vacation Bible School, followed up immediately by the National Youth Workers Conference in New Orleans, the blessing of the backpacks, a trip to Holiday World, but also on getting out and visiting people, developing a new sermon series, and preparing for Confirmation classes!

            In the life of any church worker, Confirmation is a busy and important time as we help our youth grow in their understanding of what it is we believe as Lutheran Christians.

            Looking ahead, I was reminded of a few things that were said to me by some of those who attended the Confirmation Questioning night this past spring. As a part of questioning night, I have each student prepare a “faith statement” that they read at the end of the evening.

            The comments were focused around how impressed they were with the youth and the statements they produced. Someone asked me “how did the students come up with the answers they had?”, so I explained the process to them.

            Peter says in 1 Peter 3:15, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” Each us, no matter how young or old we are, we need to be ready to give answer to the reason for the hope within us.

            So … are you ready to give an answer to the reason for the hope that is in you? I’m listing the questions I give my students so that you can develop your own “faith statement.” Here are the instructions I give my students:

  • Answer all seven questions on a sheet of paper.
  • Take three or four of the questions (last question must be used)
  • Write your faith statement in about 350 to 450 words (so roughly a page if you type it out).

Are you ready? I encourage to get out that piece of paper, answer the questions, and then write out your own “faith statement.” Now, on the last question, if you don’t remember or have a Confirmation verse, pick one and explain why you chose it. I’m also open to suggestions to making these questions better, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Here are the questions.

  1. What does it mean to confirm or affirm your faith in Jesus Christ?
  2. Has being a Christian made a difference in how you live? If so, how?
  3. How are you planning on becoming involved in the life of the church now that you will be a confirmed member?
  4. How do you see yourself serving Christ throughout your life?
  5. What can you do to help your faith to grow in Jesus Christ?
  6. Who is someone who has been influential in your faith development? Why did you select that individual? How have they influenced you?
  7. What is the Scripture verse that you would like to be used as your “Confirmation Verse”? What does it mean to you? Write a short paragraph explaining why you selected this Bible verse.

God’s blessings on the rest of your summer!

Pastor Mike


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